Intuitive Reading

Stacy is a professional psychic medium. Stacy acts as a mediator between the physical and the spiritual world. Her unique gift is not only the ability to see and hear messages, she can also taste and feel things which is often reflected through her own physical being as she experiences the emotions and feelings from earth and the Spirit World.


A reading is an enlightening experience that can through the strong feelings of love that the Spirits provide through their messages and reassurance that they are still with you to bring closure, comfort and peace of mind and for one’s own personal growth and healing through the strong feelings of love that the Spirits provide through their messages and reassurance that they are still with you to bring closure, comfort and peace of mind and for one’s own personal growth and healing.

Stacy’s clients come from all walks of life, young and old and all career paths. With her characteristic warmth and humor, Stacy discusses your questions about work, relationships, your life path, and so on. She helps draw out your unique inner wisdom, offers guidance and messages from the Divine, and brings forth a broader perspective with practical suggestions. Stacy works with the highest vibration and infinite source energy from the Divine and asks for the clients highest good be brought forth for her client’s personal session.

Readings may include:

  • Business and Career direction
  • Family issues
  • Finances
  • Future happenings
  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Spirit Guide Messages
  • and more…


Many people report that after a reading with Stacy say they have greater insight into their life situations, have a feeling of being at a deeper peace, uplifted and inspired, and reconnected with their own being once again. A psychic reading can be a useful tool and it can help you deal with issues impacting your life.


**As of January 1st prices will be increasing. You may purchase a single gift certificate for yourself to use within 6 months of the purchase. Thank you for honoring one gift certificate per person. Blessings!**

Contact Stacy
Telephone: 414-460-4781

Please Note:

Services/Classes are designed to compliment, not substitute for, medical or veterinary care. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will not be refunded unless the spot can be filled.

Cancellation Notice, Policies and Guideline details →


08/22/2021 by Bette Hoffman

I lost Junebug (dog) on April 29, you spoke with Magic, my cat and learned she would stay with me for 3 months to 1 year. Magic left me on May 30. I have been receiving numerous signals from the Universe regarding the dog that is looking for me. I am ready and open to receive this new companion. Please help me interpret these messages. Thank you Bette Hoffman

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