Messages from the fur babies during this winter season

A sweet message from the fur babies:


Brrrrrr… More and more cats and dogs have been asking for more “hot spots” in the house. Many of us are experiencing cold/ cooler weather and the sun is changing with the seasons. The hot spots in the house by Windows, floor and/or beds where the sun was shining isn’t there anymore.


Plus, some are experiencing outside withdrawals and exercise frustrations i.e. Lack of exercise. It’s like we’ve hit cabin fever already. Cabin fever usually hits in early spring so some fur babies are finding it difficult to adjust to the brisk weather and lack of sun in some areas.


Ways to counteract that is placing heating pads (monitored when on for safety measures), moving beds where sun is now shining and explaining why you’re moving them so they know, and giving extra blankets to snuggle in, especially for elderly and sickly fur kids. Some dogs are asking to keep their jackets and sweaters while in the house because it’s challenging for them to stay warm, even inside.


These are just a few simple, easy steps! You’re fur friends would b so grateful for the extra warmth during this brisk weather wherever you may live. 

Thank you!


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