My mystical day…

 This was my mystical day yesterday.


Today was a green light, perfect parking spots, magical mojo and in the flow kinda day.


It started off with deciding not to go see Amma earlier today in LA. I’ve wanted to see her for years but timing has never worked out and was kinda bummed it didn’t feel right but I know to not push it and let it go. It felt too crunched and strained to go early this a.m. so I decided to go to Seaside instead for some spiritual nourishment.


Sometimes I feel constricted and uneasy in my gut when I know shit is about to shake loose when I go there or any of the classes that I take, but today felt easy and better. Got the perfect parking spot and strolled in to find the perfect seat for me that I love. Oh and by the way, I cry every time I’m there. Like, every… time…


The songs, the people and messages always get me. The tears flow from a guttural place and a deep soul cracking openness I’ve never experienced before. I sometimes wonder if the tears will ever stop? I try to identify them, figure out where they come from, what they mean and what I’m supposed to do with them, but I’ve learned it doesn’t really matter so I’ve stopped trying. One day they’ll stop and I will no longer judge them.


So much change, so much growth, so much falling away, so much waking up, so much letting go, so much trying to trust, having faith, just so much of everything… but it’s all good stuff though! It’s just the shifting, expansion and healing that’s transpiring with such a big move and change from my old life.


A lot of people I met there all have said to me that they’ve sat in the back and cried, from months to years, this is not uncommon there. They actually welcome that. There is something so special about Seaside, the land, the people, the messages, the love, and how welcome you feel even if you’re new. It’s just safe to be there, newcomers or regulars, and safety feels so good.


I received some great intuitive guidance as the message was shared so I was writing down the intuitive guidance along with the messages of prosperity for the day. It was double duty today. Oh, and did I mention yet that Louise Hay also frequented there?!?!?! Ummmm, yeah, you read that right. Louise fricken Hay, my guru, the sage, the pioneer and trailblazer of the new thought movement. BAM!! I learned that pretty early on from going to Seaside, which totally validated for me that I’m on the right path. Thanks Universe times a million!


After the service I asked for a “treatment” which is like a prayer of intention with specific statements that I’m looking for healing etc… I’ve been working on healing and releasing old limiting beliefs, thoughts, patterns lately and have recognized that some of this coming up more recently. The practitioner prayed some powerful words and moved me to more guttural tears in a very positive, uplifting way, like knock my socks off kind of prayer. THAT was yummy goodness to the core! POWER UP!! Hooyah!!


Also, the 10 week class that I took that just ended from Seaside was all about how to give treatments for myself and others and other exciting stuff so I’m excited to share and include that in my work with you all too. Yum! It has definitely heightened my intuitive abilities and added some more magical healing juju to my life.


Then I went to the coast to have lunch and then I wanted to go to the ocean afterwards. Well, at lunch I met a wonderful couple from the east coast and we ended up chatting the whole time and exchanged business info and numbers. We found out we have a lot in common, personally and professionally, so we’ll be getting together soon. More synchronicities and magic. Well, come to find out from the manager after they left that he paid for my lunch. Tears! It was karma because I had recently bought an elderly man his lunch anonymously about 2 weeks ago. It’s crazy how fast the magic and mojo happen for me here. The people are incredible and I’m so grateful for the opportunities and connections that keep rolling in here.


After that, I felt pulled to go to the Yogananda Meditation Gardens across the street and soak in the nature healing vibes there. I sat in deep gratitude and prayers in meditation for a while then knew I needed to go home instead of visiting the ocean. I’ve been feeling called to be in nature with more greens and trees outside of my home, like I’ve needed more for grounding myself. It was exactly what I needed!


On my way home I stopped by an open house right down the road from me to look around. I chatted with the realtor a bit then left. I saw another sign for a home for rent that was off the beaten path and followed the winding streets up the hill. It was in a cul de sac and was quite magical itself. I walked in and shook hands with the owner who was the realtor and off we went. We chatted, he showed me around and it felt so easy and natural. I kinda felt like I was there for the couple I met at lunch and not for me for some reason, besides the astronomical price of the house. LOL


Come to find out he’s a realtor, marketing guy who has also wrote some books. His wife and kids are into the new age metaphysical stuff and he stated that he’s slowing getting up to speed on those things of enlightenment he joyfully shared. He mentioned a few tips on how to increase my biz and gave me some awesome advice. We will actually be working together soon and I’m over the moon excited to see how this will unfold!


After that I came home to hang with my girl, who was absolutely hilarious and so full of joy. We played outside and she chirped and chirped with sheer delight to finally be out of the house since I was gone most of the day. Sundays are my full days off to do nothing but take care of me. I’ve dedicated that day to fully recharge and nurture myself. A Stacy day!


Ahhhhh, such a great day full of wonder, magic, guidance, connections, flow, joy and love. My heart overflows with such gratitude to be here and for all the continued grace that I’m being given and shown. I absolutely love the weather, the people and getting to know more of myself so I am able to continue to be a better me.


Have you ever experienced a day with the flow of the divine and magic of the universe? If so, please share!


Basking in the flow and glow…


Thank you God and the Uni ( Universe in short) 


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