The magic between us

Here is my Summer article for the FETCH magazine on page 37:


Animals come to us for healing and teaching just as much as we come to them, however it’s on a much deeper scale than we know or can imagine. These animals are able to reach us at a depth that most humans are unable to access. Why? Because we feel safe with animals—safe to love them and safe to be loved back. This is an unconditional love that is very challenging to find and keep between human beings. That’s why when we lose our animal friends it is such a devastating loss and can be even more painful than losing a human family member.


Many of us have closed off our hearts due to hurt or betrayal caused by another. Sometimes even a devastating loss of a beloved animal or family member can cause us to “shut down” and deter us from wanting to love again.


However, when a new fur friend comes to us or we go out seeking one again, we slowly begin to open ourselves up. And depending on the demands of our new furry friend, we may need to stop what we’re doing and squat, sit, lay down or figure out what they’re trying to tell us. That’s when the magic begins to happen.


Not only do they look at us in our eyes, but also into the depths of our soul. No matter if you think you’re intuitive or not, it doesn’t matter because anyone who shares their life with an animal companion is already communicating with their animals subconsciously. It’s the energy you feel when you look into their eyes and your heart overflows with love. It’s the animal’s smirk that makes you laugh. That’s the magic.


First, make yourself open and ready to receive the message. Our animal friends are constantly trying to help us and heal us simultaneously. Other times, we are doing that for them. For instance, if they’re sick or not feeling well, we try to cater and baby them back to health. If they’re mad at us, and we all know when they’re mad at us, we try to sweet talk them by promising extra walks, treats, etc. The connection is so deep and so important to us that we don’t always realize what exactly we’re doing for them, but if we slowly begin to observe how we’re responding and/or behaving towards our fur babies, that opens up the door allowing the magic to seep in.


When it’s our animal friends’ turn to heal their humans, they turn on the healing magic when they lay by us while we’re sick or happily greeting us at the door if we’ve had a bad day. For example, a cat may lay on someone’s chest purring away day after day until their human is up and moving. Or a dog may lay by their person’s feet on the bed until they feel better. Some animals may lick the tears rolling down their humans face. Animals just know how their humans are feeling, physically and emotionally, so it’s no secret. They always know!


And we usually always feel better once we see, hug and kiss our fur friends. That’s more magic! Every little instance and interaction has a touch of magic for you both. You may not even see it at the time. Even when they chew up your shoes or get into the garbage, they’re trying to speak to you. So just sit down, breathe, close your eyes and take a second to pull yourself together so you may calmly figure it out. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it will help you to observe, reflect and possibly understand the animal’s message in the good and or uncomfortable situations that may arise.


Secondly, accept the message. Animals are great at pushing us to change. If you’re a hermit and don’t like to socialize but then get a very active and social pup, the pup is helping you to get out and mingle. Or if you’re an uptight person and you get a funny, comical and humorous animal that makes you laugh a lot, it’s for your own good. Maybe you have sworn off all animals and even people, but this little critter shows up at your door and slowly weasels its way into your heart forcing you to open it up again. Our journey here on the earth is to love and be loved, and our animal companions are able to assist us with that.


Keep in mind that if you have multiple animals around you, each one will have a different lesson it’s teaching you or will be helping you to heal differently. Most of the time, it’s going back to heal your heart and soul on many different layers. Take a few moments to observe, not judge, your animal friends, and begin to think of what that particular animal companion has taught you or helped you with.


You may know immediately their purpose on why they came to you, and with other animals it may take a few days to reveal itself, especially if you have intense and nervous critters. So be patient and allow the universe to bring you and your furry friends together in time. There may be a lot to learn and much to heal.


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